In this Spanish lesson we are going to review Indirect Object pronouns and Direct Object pronouns.
The “Direct Object” Is the “what” in a phrase: ví a Juan en el subte (I saw Juan in the Subway) What did I see? Juan; Como pizza todos los viernes (I eat pizza every friday) What did I eat every Friday? Pizza. So Juan and Pizza are O.I (Objeto Directo) in these sentences. We replace them with the following pronouns: Me (a mí), Te (a vos, a ti), Lo/La (a él, ella, Usted or a male/female object), Nos (a nosotros-as), Los/Las (a ellos-as, a ustedes or male/female objects.
Some examples:
¿Dónde compraste esa remera? (Where did you buy that t-shirt?)
La compré en la tienda de la esquina. (I bought it in the shop that is on the corner.)
¿Quién hizo la comida? (Who made the meal?)
La hizo mi mamá. (My mother made it)
The Direct Pronoun could be an idea. In this case we replace the idea with LO.
¿Pensaste sobre comprar un auto? (Did you think about buying a car?)
Sí, LO pensé, pero son muy caros. (Yes, I tought about it, but they are too expensive)
The Indirect Object
This is the receiver of something: Conté un cuento a los chicos (I told an short story for the kids), the short story was for the kids. Mi madre compró galletitas para mí (Mi mother bought cookies for me), I received the cookies.
Can be the Indirect Object a thing? Yes, but be sure there is also a Direct Object. For example: Pinté flores a la mesa (I painted flowers on the table).
We replace the Indirect Objects with the following pronouns: Me (a mí), Te (a vos, a ti), Le (a Usted, él, ella), Nos (a nosotros-as), Les (a ustedes, ellos, ellas).
Some expamples:
Doy caramelos a los niños. LES doy caramelos. (I give candys to the kids. I give them candys)
Preparé café para vos. TE preparé café. (I prepared coffee for you)
Many times we have to change both pronouns (O.D-O.I). We will put first O.I and then the O.I
¿Quién te prepara el desayuno? (Who prepares breakfast for you?)
Me lo preparo yo. (I prepare it myself)
Me encanta la remera. ¿Dónde me la compraste? Te la compré en la feria de San Telmo. (I love this shirt. Where did you buy it for me? I bought it for you in the San Telmo street market)
When you have both pronouns and the O.I start with L: Le-Les, you have to change it by SE.
Le presté un lápiz a Esteban. SE LO presté porque el no tenía. (I lent a pencil to Esteban. I lent it him because he didn´t have one)
“Le” and “A Esteban” is the same, but we always put the pronoun and the person when it is a 3th person.
The pronoun goes always before the verb. But there are some exceptions:
• Infinitive: With verbs in Infinitive we always put the pronoun at the end (in the same Word).
Estoy ahorrando dinero para comprarME zapatos. (I´m saving Money to buy myself shoes)
When we have a structure that needs infinitive, we can put the pronouns before the structure or alter it.
Voy a tomar el café. (I´m going to drink this coffee)
Voy a tomarLO. (I´m going to drink it)
Lo voy a tomar. (I´m going to drink it)
• Gerund: with the Gerunda it is the same idea than with infinitive.
Estoy tomando café. (I´m drinking coffee)
Estoy tomándoLO. (I´m drinking it)
LO estoy tomando. (I´m drinking it)
With Afirmative we put the pronouns at the end of the verb.
¡Tómalo¡ (Drink it)
With negative we put the pronouns before the verb.
¡No lo tomes! (Don´t drink it)
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