If you are somewhat familiar with the language, you will understand these jokes, which are sets of words in Spanish
¿Cómo hacemos para convertir un burro en burra? How can we convert a male donkey in a female donkey?
Lo ponemos en una habitación y esperamos que se aburra. (Que se aburra) We put it in a room and we wait until he gets bored: “se aburra” or, until he is a female donkey: “sea burra”
¿Por qué Santa Claus en español se llama Papa Noel? Why is Santa Claus’s name in Spanish Papá Noel.
Porque los regalos los trae papá, no él. Because the presents are from Daddy, not from him.
¿Qué le dijo un jardinero a otro? What did a gardener say to another gardener?
Nos vemos cuando podamos. See you when we can. But also “see you when we prune”. (Prune=podar)
¿Qué hace una rata en la esquina? What is a rat doing on a corner?
Está esperando un rato. She is waiting for a while (un rato) or “She is waiting for a male rat” . (Be careful, in Spanish the name for male or femele is always Rata)
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